
Google cloud storage 

We all are worried about data privacy, lack of storage, backup, keeping old and new memories for lifetime and, safe data transferring. This is most common issues people facing  in their life. This issues occur in different sector like Business, health care, Education, Media and entertainment and government sector. But now the technology is so advanced you can easily get away from this issues.

In This article we will cover Google cloud storage and for other I will share my link in the last of the post you can go for next article to read about other cloud storage platform:-

  • Cloud Storage  |  Google Cloud:- This platform gives you 300$ free for new customers to try this platform for free, with this you can see that this platform is suitable for you or not. If you have any queries you can go to Contact Us  |  Google Cloud platform you can arrange a call request by yourself or you can chat to Google sale for any queries you have.


  • Features:-
  • Automatic storage class transitions:- This features in Google cloud storage work like a magic. It easily understand what you like a most and what you don’t. So, it easily understand what is your favorite things. Take an example:- Suppose you have bucket in which you keep your all toys which you have collected till now and in all of that toys you like machine car and you play with them every day but you on that bucket there is more toys which you even don’t touch a long time. So Automatic storage class transitions is like a helper which give you a notification or the things you didn’t get touch in so many days it will appear on the top and the things you like will go to bottom.
  • Object lifecycle management:- Olm  is a set of rule which help your helper to decide when the things move from one to another. For example:- Suppose that you have a garden and you have 3 plants:- Plant 1= It get more sunlight and water so you will se that this plants now need some shadow so you will shift it. Plant 2:- You are seeing that the other plants are not getting sunlight and water so you moved it to that what he need. And Plant 3:- You will see that the plant is waste it is not in any more useable you replace with new ones. So these are the 3 rules in OLM.
  • Autoclass:- Is the name of helper. That do all things Automatically.
  • Optamize costs:– It also optimize your cost because when you buy big and expensive plan you can put your all the stuff at one place but if if you buy for your single stuff its cost more.
  • No extra cost:– If your helpers move your things from one to another you don’t have to pay extra for that.
  • Policy based:– You can tell your helper which things you have to keep and which to remove.
  • Continental-scale and SLA-backed replication:- If there is any important things is there and something gone wrong and in that case you don’t want to loose your favorite stuff in that case you can make a duplicate copy of that things. So this features help to make a duplicate copy of that. So there are lot of features that you recover your loss things.
  • Continental scale-bucket:- Suppose that you have different  copies  of notebook at 5 different places if one places gone wrong with some issue there will no problem you have keep your copies at 4 places safe.
  • Recovery time object (RTO) of zero:– if you lost your copies of your notebook you can use of one of the other copies.
  • Turbo replication with dual regions buckets:– It helps to make faster to copies your notebook. And if something gone wrong you can backup in just 15 minutes.
  • Recovery point objective (RPO)SLA:– It like a time machine to recover your things in just 15 minutes.
  • Fast and flexible online transfer:– If you want to transfer data it is superfast to transfer one place to another.
  • Online transfer with special device:– You can transfer your data one place to another with special device.
  • Default data security:– When you cloud  storage your data is already protected.
  • Configurable data security:– You  can add or customize extra security  to your data
  • Access control policies:– This show list of people who can access your data apart from that no one can access.
  • Data encryption:– If there is some important paperwork and you want that no one can access that.
  • Retention police:– You can put your data according to you that don’t remove before 5 to 10years.
  • Retention policies lock:– This tell that no one can change your rule before you set your years.
  • Signed url:- To give someone for a particular time to work.

Storage Option


Storage type


Best for

Standard storage

The data you frequently use easy to reach.

Mobile app, Website and video.

Nearline storage

Cost is low, Infrequently storing data.

For those person who want to use for 30 days to store their data.

Coldline storage

Cost is very low, For infrequently storing data.

For those person who want to use for 90 days to store their data.

Archival storage

Lowest cost, Storage serving for data archiving, getting online backup and strong recovery.

For those person who want to use for 365 days to store their data.



How it work

  • Creating a bucket container:- You have to create a digital box to contain your file data or photos.
  • Uploading object:- After that you can upload your file or documents.
  • Downloading, sharing,  and managing data:- You can easily download, share and manage your data in digital box.
  • Website:- You can host your website.
  • Machine learning and AI:- Once you can stored your data in cloud storage after that you can learn machine learning and AI.
  • Data analytics:- You can also analyze your data.




Service usage and type

Price (USD)

Always free usage


Standard storage

$.02 GiB per month

Nearline storage

$.01 per GiB per month

Codeline storage

$.004  per GiB per month

Archival storage

$.0012 per GiB per month

General network usage

$0.12-$0.20 based on monthly usage

Network egress and special service rates

Check your network product for pricing information.



So this is all about Google cloud storage where we can easily know about its usage and its features.



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